How Does a Family Member Exit the Family Business?

This headline will certainly raise a few eyebrows I am sure.  It is often a very quiet discussion that I have had more often than you can imagine with those next generation family members, and spouses who are currently working in their family business. When the husband and wife, who have most likely started the […]

Can We Love Our Children TOO Much?

As a parent the immediate answer is NO WAY! You can never love your kids too much no matter what their age and stage in life is.  But there is a line in which our parental love for our kids creates a false sense of entitlement which will not serve them well in life. I […]

What does Mom have to say about the Family Business?

We live in a somewhat traditional world where Dad runs the business and mom runs the house (there are so many other configurations of this arrangement but it was easy to stick with tradition for the purpose of this article).  But so often is the case, Mom is much more involved in the business than […]